"Home of the Hancock Bluestone Festival"
Chamber Members

   The Village of Hancock is located 140 miles northwest of New York City and 38 miles east of the Binghamton metropolitan area.
    The Village is conveniently located on the border between New York State and Pennsylvania on the Southern Tier Expressway (NYS Route 17) at Exit 87, which is a four lane limited access highway.
    Route 17 has been nominated to become Interstate 86.
    Cutting through the Catskills from Harriman in the east to Erie, PA, Route 17 has become a major thoroughfare from New York City to the western parts of the state and beyond.
    Hancock's central location in the northeast is emphasized by the proximity of Interstate 81 (42 miles to the west on Route 17) and Interstate 88 (35 miles to the north).
    Due to Hancock's central location in the northeast, major services, employment, shopping, and recreational and cultural activities are available.



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Copyright ©2002 Hancock Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 525 - Hancock, New York 13783-0525
800-668-7624 / 607-637-4756 - Fax: 607-637-4756

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